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Personnel Committee Minutes 04/03/08
Meeting Minutes of Thursday, April 3, 2008 @ 8:00 a.m.
placePlaceNameChilmark PlaceTypeTown Hall

MEMBERS PRESENT:   PersonNameJennie Greene, Chairperson; Susan Heilbron,
                                          Max McCreery, and Steve Lewenberg.
       ALSO PRESENT:    PersonNamePolly McDowell, Staff liaison; J.B.Riggs Parker,
                                         PersonNameTim Carroll, and PersonNameChristina Soulagnet, Administrative Assistant
                    ABSENT:     PersonNameRichard Williams
                       GUEST:    Martina Mastromonaco

PersonNameJennie Greene, chairperson, opened the meeting at 8:02 a.m.

The board reviewed the meeting minutes of March 13, 2008.  Susan made the motion, Steve seconded and all members voted to approve the minutes as amended.  PersonNameJennie Greene abstained from the vote.

There was a general discussion regarding confidentiality between the Executive Secretary and the Staff Liaison.  

Susan asked the Board "Is the Executive Secretary free to share information with the Employee Staff Liaison from a private discussion he/she has had with an employee?  

It was the sense of the Board that the Executive Secretary may disclose information to any Personnel Board member to obtain insight on an issue or assist with a situation; keeping in mind that it is the responsibility of the Executive Secretary to inform the employee that the discussion may be shared with a Personnel Board member and to remind the Personnel Board member that the information so discussed, being a Personnel Board matter, is confidential.  It was noted that the Selectmen have encouraged the Executive Secretary to consult with a Personnel Board member or members on especially challenging matters.

The Board views the Staff Liaison as being no different than any other Board member (albeit he/she is a non-voting member), and therefore, mindful of the notice and confidentiality requirements mentioned above, it is perfectly appropriate for the Executive Secretary to share information obtained during a private conversation with an employee with the Staff Liaison.

Martina Mastromonaco, Tri-Town Ambulance Coordinator, is looking for an Advance Life Support (ALS) Coordinator, as this position has been vacant for six months.  The position was advertised and one applicant applied, but was not a paramedic.  The Tri-Town Ambulance, in order to keep their license, needs this position filled.  The Tri-Town Ambulance is proposing a plan to provide the coverage needed for the remainder of the off-season.  This plan utilizes the excess funds ($19,000) from the position of ALS Coordinator being open since December 2007.  A stipend would be paid to the Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) volunteers fulfilling a shift for this position.  The hours that need coverage are 8:00 am - 6:00 pm (10 hour shift) from March 21 through May 23, 2008, and the incentive stipend will be based on the seasonal compensation plan FY08.   

In addition, Tri-Town Ambulance is asking that an additional $50.00 per shift stipend be given to an EMT volunteer that responds to a call.  When there is an emergency, a paid EMT covering the barn shift and an on-call EMT volunteer respond to the call.  The stipend request is for the on-call EMT and will help ensure on-call coverage during this staff shortage period.

Martina shared that this proposal is a temporary arrangement to provide coverage that will enhance the operation of the Tri-Town Ambulance and will not affect this year's budget.  

The Personnel Board asked how long is the ALS Coordinator leave of absence?  Martina responded that Tri-Town will know by June 7, 2008 if the employee is returning or not.  The Board was concerned that the proposed plan was already instituted without guidance from the Personnel Board.  Martina stated that she felt comfortable going ahead with this incentive stipend plan because it complies with the bylaw and the current position description.  Martina explained that it would have been irresponsible to not go ahead with this plan and that Tri-Town has an obligation to provide service; short-staffed shifts put lives at risk.

Riggs commented that although he appreciates Martina's rational approach to solving this problem, he is concerned with the future.  Riggs mentioned there needs to be a long-term plan and hopes the Personnel Board will look into this.

Susan made a motion to approve the temporary arrangement with the condition that the proposed plan only goes to May 23, 2008 and that it is not to be used as a basis in the future.  In addition, the Board requests that in the future, any new programs be presented to the Personnel Board for approval prior to implementation.  Steve seconded the motion, and all members voted approval.

The Board discussed that it would be beneficial to have a member of the Personnel Board who is knowledgeable in Human Resources issues be available to assist Tri-Town Ambulance with its Human Resources issues.  Steve Lewenberg volunteered to offer such assistance.  The Board requested that Christina draft a memo to Tri-Town Ambulance informing them of the Personnel Board's recommendation.
Martina Mastromonaco asked PersonNameJennie Greene if she received the self-appraisal evaluation Martina submitted.  Jennie confirmed that she has not seen it.  Martina will forward to Jennie the evaluation.  In addition, Jennie requested Martina to provide a listing of job descriptions for the Beach Department.

The Personnel Board received a letter from Ebba Hierta, Library Director, stating that Emily Levett, Library Associate, has successfully completed the six (6) month probationary period.  Ms. Hierta expressed what an asset Ms. Levett is to the library.

PersonNameTim Carroll informed the Board that the Town is advertising for the Assistant Wharfinger position.  Position vacancy notice was posted at Town Hall and advertised in the paper.

PersonNameTim Carroll provided a handout to the members, which outlined the levels of evaluations for employees.  Steve suggested that the level of "Fair" be included in this outline.  This discussion was for informational purposes only and perhaps the Board may utilize this outline in the future.

The Board agreed to postpone review of the bylaws until the next meeting.

The Personnel Board's next meeting is Thursday, April 17, 2008 at 8:00 a.m.

With no further business to discuss, Jennie adjourned the meeting at 9:25 a.m.

Minutes respectfully submitted by PersonNameChristina Soulagnet, Administrative Assistant.